Snake Game Code (annotated)
from turtle import Screen from time import sleep from Snake import Snake from Food import Food from Scoreboard import Scoreboard screen = Screen() screen.setup(width=600, height=600) screen.bgcolor('black') screen.title('Snake Game') screen.tracer(0) jake = Snake() food = Food() scoreboard = Scoreboard() screen.listen() screen.onkey(key='Up', fun=jake.up) screen.onkey(key='Down', fun=jake.down) screen.onkey(key='Left', fun=jake.left) screen.onkey(key='Right', fun=jake.right) game_on = True while game_on: sleep(.06) screen.update() jake.move() # detect collision with food if jake.head.distance(food) < 15: food.refresh() scoreboard.add_one() jake.extend() # detect going outside of b if jake.head.xcor() >= 310 or jake.head.xcor() <= -310 or jake.head.ycor() >= 310 or jake.head.ycor() <= -310: scoreboard.reset() jake.reset() # detect snake eating itself for x in jake.segments[1:]: if jake.head.distance(x) < 10: scoreboard.reset() jake.reset() screen.exitonclick()
Snake Class Code
from turtle import Turtle from time import sleep STARTING_CORDS = [(0, 0), (-20, 0), (-40, 0)] MOVE_DISTANCE = 20 UP = 90 DOWN = 270 LEFT = 180 RIGHT = 0 class Snake: def __init__(self): self.segments = [] for x in STARTING_CORDS: block1 = Turtle(shape='square') block1.color('white') block1.penup() block1.goto(x=x[0],y=x[1]) self.segments.append(block1) self.head = self.segments[0] def create_snake(self): for x in STARTING_CORDS: block1 = Turtle(shape='square') block1.color('white') block1.penup() block1.goto(x=x[0],y=x[1]) self.segments.append(block1) self.head = self.segments[0] def extend(self): new_segment = Turtle(shape='square') new_segment.color('white') new_segment.penup() x = self.segments[-1].xcor() y = self.segments[-1].ycor() new_segment.goto(x=x, y=y) self.segments.append(new_segment) def move(self): for seg_num in range(len(self.segments) - 1, 0, -1): x = self.segments[seg_num - 1].xcor() y = self.segments[seg_num - 1].ycor() self.segments[seg_num].goto(x, y) self.head.forward(MOVE_DISTANCE) def reset(self): for segment in self.segments: segment.goto(1000, 1000) self.segments.clear() self.create_snake() sleep(1) def up(self): if self.head.heading() != DOWN: self.head.setheading(UP) def left(self): if self.head.heading() != RIGHT: self.head.setheading(LEFT) def down(self): if self.head.heading() != UP: self.head.setheading(DOWN) def right(self): if self.head.heading() != LEFT: self.head.setheading(RIGHT)
Scoreboard Class Code
from turtle import Turtle alignment = 'center' font = ('arial', 24) class Scoreboard(Turtle): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.score = 0 with open('High_Score.txt') as file: self.high_score = int( self.hideturtle() self.sety(275) self.color('white') self.write(arg=f'Score: {self.score}. High Score {self.high_score}', align=alignment, font=font) def update_scoreboard(self): self.clear() self.write(arg=f'Score: {self.score}. High Score {self.high_score}', align=alignment, font=font) def reset(self): self.clear() if self.score > self.high_score: self.high_score = self.score with open('High_Score.txt', mode='w') as file: file.write(str(self.score)) self.score = 0 self.write(arg=f'Score: {self.score}. High Score {self.high_score}', align=alignment, font=font) def add_one(self): self.clear() self.score += 1 self.update_scoreboard()